Mothers Day- Prophetic Women

Eve means “life giver”. When God spoke the world into existence, he created a a space first and then filled it with life and gave it purpose. In the same way, we have been empowered by God to speak like and fill it with purpose. We do so through our words.

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21

Words have the power to create or destroy.

In this Mother’s Day message, Anna teaches how to prophecy life to those around us and in so doing, we fill those lives with the purpose of God.

Anna also highlights multiple hidden women in scripture who fulfilled their purpose.

Sunday Worship Experience | Mothers Day | Anna Thevaos | 5/9/2021

Anna gave a timely message and encouraged our women with a powerful word from the Lord.

We also had an exciting surprise as our worship Pastor Michelle Beck sang her new song REST, live, for the very first time!🎶

We are so thankful for all the wonderful things that God is doing in and through the lives of our LifeShare family! We know He has even more in store! 🙌🏻