Jesus is your Rest
There is a story in which Israelites were encamped at a place called Rephidim. As they were resting there ( that’s where God provided water from a rock), a warring people called the Amalekites attacked them without warning.
They weren’t provoking anyone, they were just minding their business, trying to pause from their journey, and doing what God had to order them to do: Rest.
So, against their desire, the Israelites had to do some fighting. They had to do it God’s way if they were going to be victorious.
God told Moses to go to a hill and raise his hands and keep them raised. As long as his hands were steady the Israelites gained the advantage. But when Moses got tired and his arms lowered, the enemy gained the advantage. Thankfully, two of Moses‘s friends came and held his hands steady and as his arms remained raised and while they did so, Joshua defeated the enemy.
Let’s look at some symbolic words:
Rephidim means “resting place”
Amal ( Amalekites) means trouble or toil
Steady means faithfulness
Joshua means “Jesus is deliverance”.
Do you see it?
Hebrews 4:11 “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest”
You may find yourself saying “ God! Why is it that every time I “rest” and things seem to settle down, trouble is right around the corner? I can’t let my guard down or the enemy will creep in like a thief!”
Yup! That’s why he’s called a thief.
But here’s the thing. The thief’s intent is to KEEP US FROM RESTING.
But, We are supposed to be resting!
That’s actually THE ONLY THING we’re supposed to strive for!
God shows us how we strive for rest through this picture of Moses and Joshua... this is how we are to respond when the enemy sneaks in to steal our rest: sit down and raise our hands in faith and let him fight the battle. Jesus took “trouble” and blotted it out- in Him, the enemy is defeated!
Psalm 23:5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”
Is there any trouble the Lord cannot handle or has already handled? What trouble have you fixated on that has kept you from rest? I encourage you to take some time today to play some worship music and look to Him. Just tell Him how much you love Him and trust Him. Just bask in His love over you today! Let Him fight that battle on your behalf while you rest.
Jesus is your deliverance. Rest in that truth