Grace-full is the Women's Ministry of LifeShare Church. We gather monthly for a time of worship and teaching. Join us for a life-changing time together!
We also provide a time for a deeper connection with our women’s small groups, which meet throughout the month.
Anna Thevaos, Pastor Ted's wife, leads the women's ministry and also is a speaker and writer.
"Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more" Romans 5:20
Women’s Ministry Overseer, Anna Thevaos
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Grace-full is the Women's ministry of LifeShare church.
We are a group of women who are full of grace because of what Jesus has done! That grace enables us to love one another with the kind of love that is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
This group exists to equip, encourage, comfort and pray for one another fully believing in the power of Christ to save, heal and deliver - spirit, soul and body!
I pray this is a place where you will thrive!
One:Table is the small group ministry of Grace-full.
ONE represents Jesus’ prayer before his crucifixion “ That they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You.” John 17:21
TABLE represents the banqueting table Jesus is inviting us to. We, as His hands and feet, bring the world to this table and share Jesus with them.
These small groups serve to to disciple new believers and provide a deeper connection with one another.
Know:Truth is the teaching ministry of Anna Thevaos.
Anna’s passion is to develop disciples of the Word; teaching others how to study the Word of God through the lens of Grace.
She also teaches others how to walk in the finished work of the cross and how to receive all of the benefits Jesus provided by His death, burial and resurrection.
“As He is so are we in this World.” 1 John 4:17
Know:Truth Healing is now available for purchase in ebook and printed form!
This study covers, concisely but thoroughly, what any believing Christian should know so that they are prepared to pray for the sick. Anna takes the reader through the Word of God to discover God's will regarding healing. The study explores God's nature and how, through the finished work of Christ, every believer is given the same resources of heaven to pray for the sick and know that they are healed.
One:Table is the small group ministry of Grace-full Women’s ministry.
ONE represents Jesus’ prayer before his crucifixion “That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you.” John 17:21
TABLE represents the banqueting table Jesus is inviting us to. We, as His hands and feet, bring the world to this table and share Jesus with them.
These small groups serve to to disciple new believers and provide a deeper connection with one another.
If you are interested in joining a small group.
Paul said that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are designed to “reign in life through Christ.” This is in every facet of our lives- we are not meant to be in a cycle of trying really hard, failing, repeating. Here is a very workable plan for you to apply starting today and begin to live!