From Thinking to Doing: How to Achieve Your Goals in 90 Days
In my previous post, Change your mind. Change your Life. I mentioned how your thoughts affect your ability to create.
Scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you speak about yourself, others, and your situation reflects your beliefs. Your beliefs are your thoughts, and those thoughts, therefore, have life.
If you are saying things like, “I am so stupid.” It’s because you believe you are. That thought cycles into action, and you create a pattern of lack- (you continue to fail tests, not understand topics, and make repeated mistakes).
Before you think this is “New Age,” ask a neurologist, and they will give you the science behind this- if they are Christian neurologists, they will back this truth up with scripture.
This is how faith works as well. If you understand this creative pattern, you will understand how faith operates. I recommend a little booklet called Quantum Faith by Annett Capps, which teaches this amazing principle.
Personal Assessment
Mental Health
Do you manage your thoughts well? Do your thoughts align with what is good, lovely, good report, and true? Rating: ____
Emotional Health
Are you able to change your feelings to align with truth? Do you maintain a healthy emotional balance? Rating: ____
Are you teachable? Do you learn from mistakes instead of making excuses or shifting blame? Rating: ____
Do you have healthy connections with people in your life? Do your family and friends trust you and feel safe with you? Do you speak what is true, lovely and kind about people? Do you look for opportunities to bless them and find the treasure in them? Rating: ____
Do you manage your money well and have good spending habits? Are you investing, saving, and giving generously? Rating: ____
Are you eating whole and clean foods? Are you moving your body? Do you avoid obsessing about your body? Rating: ____
Do you believe that you are beloved by God, His son or daughter? Are you wholly accepted and at peace with Him? Is your motive based on the opinion of God rather than man? Rating: ____
Do you take time to do things you love that bring you peace and joy? Rating: ____
Is your home “heaven on earth” for you and your family? Rating: ____
Do you dream about your future? What do you want to be remembered for? Are you creating that legacy today? Do you know your purpose and make choices you won’t regret in ten years? Rating: ____
Is your ability to love established on the love God has for you? Do you love because He loves you? Do you avoid holding people to a standard you’ve created, allowing them to be themselves? Rating: ____
Are you spending the first fruits of your day in the Word and in relationship with Jesus? Do you know how to hear His voice and seek more revelation of His goodness? Rating: ____
Next Steps
Now make a list of all the life goals you can think of.
For example, here are some of mine:
Create e-courses, podcast, heal my thyroid, repaint my house, redecorate my sons room, loose ten pounds, learn to knit, plant a garden, read 10 theology books, take 10 classes for my theology degree, read 25 novels this year, write three Bible studies, Learn how to build my own websight, take a missions trip, plan a relaxing vacation, listen to two grace based messages a day, have meaningful date nights with Ted, plan a girls-only weekend trip, have my kids over for dinner at least once a month, call my brother and sister at least 1-2 times a month, plan a family reunion.
After you are done creating those goals, circle the ONE thing you can focus on first. What would be the easiest thing for you to do based on your evaluation score.
Because one of mine was regarding relationships, my goal is to focus on that area.
Because its usually tasks which keeps me from being relationship-focused, I have to intentionally think about my thought pattern which keeps me from accomplishing those goals.
This is my usual though pattern: I keep getting taken advantage of by people. I feel suspicious and protective. I am going to keep my circle very close.
That is not life. I have to catch my thoughts at the point of derailment. I need to identify the truth of my Chrit- self and change my thoughts so that my behavior follows.
Lets say your goal is to loose ten pounds.
Write down thoughts you want to think about your goal. Pay attention to thoughts that you naturally think which derail you.
Thought - I am getting stronger daily. Vs: I am never going to lose this weight.
Feeling- I feel motivated. Vs: I feel discouraged.
Action- I spent 20 minutes doing some weight training today. Vs: I lay down to take a nap.
Did you know it takes about 90 days for your brain to form new neurological pathways? The old way of thinking gets replaced with the new when you intentionally think new thoughts.
This is how you accomplish workable and real goals.
90 Day Goals