Living Up To All God Created You To Be

Have you ever noticed, in the Bible, that Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit? Come discover how you can receive a spiritual impartation from Christian leaders that have gone before. If you are looking to be the best - child of God, spouse, parent, or business leader - you can be, you don’t want to miss this Sunday and the month of June at LifeShare. Along with this teaching, Pastors Ted and Anna are raising up leaders to be elders and deacons. If you want to be in the know about who your new leaders are at LifeShare, don’t miss this Sunday. "When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. (‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬)