
Emotions—they can be both a blessing and a curse. Some of us feel emotions more deeply than others. As women, it is commonly expressed that we experience more fluctuating emotions than men. Emotions help us to experience the joys of human existence, such as love, joy, empathy and excitement. Reversely, emotions also cause us to know pain, sorrow, disappointment and fear. They can be indicators as well as warnings and even if we try to escape them, they reveal themselves one way or another, either in our decision-making or way of thinking. If we cannot run from our emotions, what do we do? Although I do not have a definite solution, I have dealt with my share of emotions and I also know God’s word has many insightful things to say about them..

Firstly, I’ll admit that I am probably the most unqualified person to talk about emotions. I am a twenty-one year old woman, whose personality type (on the Enneagram) is a four. While I can not subscribe to everything that the internet has to say on the Enneagram, I’ll admit that the description of a four is uncomfortably close to how I would describe myself, “fours are very connected to feelings, both their own and the emotional undercurrents in their environment...This type tends to dwell and hold on to their emotions intensely and others may find them moody, deep and intense.” I mention this to say, I have struggled with controlling my emotions all my life. I used to think there was something wrong with me, until I started to realize my deep awareness of emotions was how God made me. I could learn to hone in on this gift or allow my emotions to rule me. Although I am still learning, I would like to share how the Lord has helped me not just to control, but understand and value my emotions. I will also share the scriptures and truths that I have held on to which have helped me to grow in this area.”

Before we begin to talk about emotions, we should talk about identity. 

Why identity? 

The reason we can be controlled by our emotions is because we identify with them. Identity is how we see ourselves and ultimately, feel about ourselves. If we believe wrong things about our salvation, ourselves or even our minds, it can lead to self-destructive thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Recently I learned that not only is my spirit righteous, but also my soul. I struggled with unwanted intrusive thoughts most of my life and because of that I thought there was something wrong with me. I became depressed and sad as an adolescent and it took until my adulthood to learn some important insights. Firstly, I had to learn that because of my faith in Christ, I was righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

Even recently, I have come learn (thank you Mark Greenwood) that my soul is also righteous. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells me that I don’t have a spirit of fear “but of power, love and a sound mind.” It is all about what I possess. The actuality of a pure mind is only accessed through an understanding that I already have a pure mind, because of Jesus. I am not working towards a sanctified mind, instead I access my sanctified mind through faith. We receive our sanctification the same way we receive salvation: through faith. I am still learning all of what that means, but this has already set me free greatly in my mind and emotions. This understanding will lead to the actuality of evident change. 

The cycle of healing can be as follows: we receive the robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) we rejoice in this salvation, which further protects our minds (Philipians 4:6-7), and we are then able to work out our salvation (Philippians 2:12), which means discovering what it really means that we are saved. This is the cycle of healing, it’s all based on faith, praise, and transformation.

Once we stop identifying with our feelings, we can identify what our feelings are, “I am feeling sad, lonely, angry, depressed etc...'' 

Next, we can identify the thoughts leading us to feel this way. They may be, “I am ugly, I am alone, no one cares about me, I am a failure etc...” We may not realize we’re thinking those thoughts, but they’re in the back our minds. It may be obvious to say, but it’s not the good emotions we want to get rid of, it’s the bad ones. Those are the ones harming our minds, bodies and lives.

Part of healing may be letting go of the past, whether that is hurt, anger or misplaced identity. One of my favorite verses is in Song of Solomon 2:10-11, which says, “My beloved spake, and said unto me, rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land...” 

I love this verse because it talks about winter being past and the rain gone. It’s not time to hide and mourn anymore; the time of spring and singing has come. Part of receiving healing in our emotions is to let the past go. It doesn’t have to be a long, elaborate prayer. We can just pray, “Lord, I have been sad, angry, depressed, hurt etc... for too long. I declare that that season is over. I want to walk in your joy.” 

We have to decide who we are going to believe and how we are going to choose. When we make room to receive God’s love, laughter and singing,we go from winter to spring. Jesus is the lover in this poem, calling us from our winter into the joy of his presence. 

Next comes my favorite part: choose what you will believe. What is so powerful about our individual minds and will is that we can choose what we believe. 

“I believe that regardless of how I feel, I am loved by God.” Saying things like that and deciding to believe it, is powerful. It becomes the belief system we live by and whether we realize it now or not, it will affect our thoughts and feelings. 

“I believe, regardless of the thoughts I have had or will have, I have a pure, sanctified mind,” that is prophecy over our minds and it will heal our mind, heart and entire soul. 

Our feelings are not descriptions of reality. Just because you think you're alone, does not mean you are; just because you feel unworthy, does not mean that you are. 

That is where lies gain power: when they can convince you they are the truth. If your feelings or thoughts are causing you anything other than rest, trust, joy they are not truth.

Lastly, the most important thing we can do with our emotions is go to Jesus. 

Something I like to pray a lot is, “Jesus, I am feeling x, y or z, please comfort me right now and speak truth over me.” 

Isaiah 30:15 says, “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.’” 

Similar to the verse in the Song of Solomon, we receive healing and rest when we trust God and allow his goodness and beauty to strengthen us. He may give you a picture, a feeling or a scripture to hold on to. 

God is not disappointed or annoyed by us, he wants to hold our hand, guide us and comfort us. It is his heart. 

The husband is telling the woman to come away with him. We don’t have to stay stuck in our winter, in wrong thoughts or emotions like the world does. We can receive the love of God and allow him to speak over us. Before we can experience the love of God, we have to believe in his love.

When I feel negative emotions, now I know what to do. I remind myself that feelings are not who I am. I remind myself what the truth is, what I believe and I go to Jesus. I allow his peace to cover me and his truth to change the way I see reality.

~ Laura Thevaos