Rest In Jesus Series
I’m starting a brand new series called — “Rest In Jesus.”
Have you ever noticed that work was easy and enjoyable in the Garden of Eden? What happened? The Fall of Mankind is what happened! We’ve fallen and we can’t get up without learning out how to “Rest In Jesus.”
We are going to join Jesus on a mountainside in Galilee as we study his most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. We will start out with the Beatitudes and a message called — “Heaven on Earth living.” Some of you have read the magazine “Southern Living”, but have you ever heard of “Heaven on Earth Living?” As extraordinary as that sounds, it’s actually possible for the Christian that will “Rest In Jesus.” Come receive a new mindset, a new heart orientation, and a new reality. It’s only possible for those that will “Rest In Jesus.”
I’m hoping you’ll join us at LifeShare Church, this coming Sunday, to start this new series with splash.
Pastor Ted Thevaos