Livingway Family Church -Lavernia, TX
“Our stories are inextricably interwoven. What you do is part of my story; what I do is part of yours.” (Daniel Taylor)
It was an honor being invited by Josh and Ashley Engler to minister in worship and in the Word at Livingway Family Church, this past Sunday. They are doing a fantastic job spiritually leading this great group of believers in La Vernia, Texas. They have true pastors hearts and have an exciting vision for this church family.
I spoke a message entitled, “Love is on the Father‘s Heart” along with their Holy Family series. And Josh and I sang the song we wrote called, “Change Your World.” This is the first time we have sung it live. I also had a chance to flow in worship at the end of the service and allow the Holy Spirit to do what He does best. It was awesome to be able to bring some of our Prophetic Team to give Josh and Ashley a few prophetic words, as well as their church family.
It’s amazing how the Lord brought Ted and Anna and Josh and Ashley together 25 years ago to become friends and to minister for His glory. And now all these years later, to do the very same thing, but in different roles and in a different season of life.
I have to say that the love of the Lord never fails and it’s good of Him to express His love through the friends He’s brought into our lives.