We believe the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error. It is the supreme and final authority for all matters in the belief and life of a Christian (2 Tim. 3:14-17; 1 Pet. 1:23-25; Heb. 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Proverbs 30:5; Romans 16:25-26).
We believe there is one true and living God, a loving creator who eternally exists in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who are equal in every divine perfection and who execute distinct but harmonious offices in all the work of the Godhead (Genesis 1:26; Deut. 6:4; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 3:16-17; Matt. 28:19; Mark 12:29; Luke 1:35; 1 Peter 1:1-2).
We believe that God created man in His own image and for a meaningful relationship with Him, but through his sin incurred physical and spiritual death. As a result, all people are separated from God and are lost and without hope apart from salvation in Christ. (Gen. 1:26-31; Gen. 3:17; Eph. 2:1-3; Col. 1:21-23; Rom. 5:12-21)
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully man. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary death on our behalf, His physical resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His ultimate, victorious return (John 1:1,14, 20:28; 1Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 2:5-6; 1Timothy 2:5).
We believe the Gospel is the good news of God’s loving and saving actions towards people through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, took on human nature, lived a sinless life, and died a substitutionary death on the cross for all who believe. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Thess. 1:10; 1 Tim. 2:5; 1 Peter 2:21-25)
We believe the Blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross was sinless and is 100% sufficient to cleanse and remove mankind of the sinful nature. Jesus allowed Himself to be punished for both our sinfulness and our sins, enabling all those who believe to be free from the penalty of sin, which is death (1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5, 5:9; Colossians 1:20; Romans 3:10-12, 23, 5:9; John 1:29).
We believe salvation is a free gift, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts. Salvation comes only by God’s love and grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Anyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus Christ and His death on their behalf receives forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. (Eph. 1:4-8; Acts 2:38-39; Mark 13:10-11; James 2:26; Luke 9:23)
We believe Christians are people who have invited the Lord Jesus Christ to come and live inside them by His Holy Spirit. They surrender the authority of their lives over to him thus making Jesus the Lord of their life as well as Savior. They put their trust in what Jesus accomplished for them when He died, was buried, and rose again from the dead (John 1:12; John 14:17, 23; John 15:4; Romans 8:11; Revelations 3:20).
We believe the Holy Spirit works to transform believers more and more into the image of Christ. “Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” Ephesians 4:13 His work is carried on in our hearts and mind through such appointed means as the study of Scripture, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. The Holy Spirit also empowers believers for Christian witness and service and gives gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, the church. (Eph. 5:1-2; Phil. 3:16; 1 Thess. 4:3-8; Gal. 5:22-26; Matt. 5:16; Col 3:16-17)
We believe that the promise of the Father, sent by Jesus after His Ascension and given at Pentecost, was to empower the church to be His witnesses and to preach the Gospel throughout the whole earth and do mighty works(Joel 2:28-29; Matthew 3:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 1:5, 2:1-4, 17, 38-39, 8:14-17, 10:38, 44-47, 11:15-17, 19:1-6).
We believe the Holy Spirit is manifested through a variety of spiritual gifts to build and sanctify the church, demonstrate the validity of the resurrection, and confirm the power of the Gospel. The Bible lists of these gifts are not necessarily exhaustive, and the gifts may occur in various combinations. All believers are commanded to earnestly desire the manifestation of the gifts in their lives. These gifts always operate in harmony with the Scriptures (Hebrews 2:4; Romans 1:11, 12 :4-8; Ephesians 4:16; 2 Timothy 1:5-16, 4:14; 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, 14:1-40; 1 Peter 4:10).
We believe the universal church, composed of genuine followers of Christ, exists to worship, serve, and glorify God. All members of the universal church are to be vitally committed members of a local church, where they receive pastoral care and the opportunity to employ their God-given gifts in His service. (1 Peter 2:9; Mark 16:15-18; Mark 13:10; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:42-47; Eph. 4:11-16; Romans 16:1-2)
We believe in water baptism by immersion for the believer; that once a person receives Christ as Savior, the first command is to obey Him by baptism. Baptism identifies the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a public demonstration of an internal reality. (Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:4)
We believe in the Lord's Supper as a unique time of communion in the presence of God; when the elements of bread and grape juice, which represents the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, are taken in remembrance of Jesus' death on the Cross. We do not embrace the idea of transubstantiation. (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12, 36-38; 10:47-48; 1Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-25)
Healing of the sick is illustrated in the life and ministry of Jesus, and included in the commission of Jesus to His disciples. It is given as a sign which is to follow believers. It is also a part of Jesus' work on the Cross and one of the gifts of the Spirit. (Psalm 103:2-3; Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 16:17-18; Acts 8:6-7; James 5:14-16; 1 Corinthians 12:9, 28; Romans 11:29)
It is the Father's will for believers to become whole, healthy and successful in all areas of life. But because of the fall of mankind, many may not receive the full benefits of God's will while on Earth. That fact, though, should never prevent all believers from seeking the full benefits of Christ's provision in order to better enjoy life and serve others.
Spiritual (John 3:3-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Romans 10:9-10).
Mental and Emotional (2 Timothy 1:7, 2:11; Philippians 4:7-8; Romans 12:2; Isaiah 26:3).
Physical (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24).
Financial (Joshua 1:8; Malachi 3:10-11; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-10; Deuteronomy
28:1-14; Psalm 34:10, 84:11; Philippians 4:19).