World Missions
Japan Mission
Destiny Church, the place where LifeShare Church was birthed from, has a rich history of missionary work in the nation of Japan. Destiny's founder, Leonard W. Coote, was radically saved in the early 1900's as a young business man in that country. He then began to plant churches by faith. He married Esther and God gave them four fantastic children. When their daughter Ruth contracted tuberculosis he sent both Esther and Ruth on ahead by ship to San Antonio, Texas in hopes of treatment and recovery. Ruth was miraculously healed on the journey in a small african american church in California. Leonard rejoined the family in San Antonio just shortly after World War II broke out in Asia. Jesus miraculously provided a way of escape for this Christian family chosen for ministry.
John, Ruth, Nathan, Dave Bell
Archie, Verna, Brenda, Cheryl Alderson
Japanese People
While here in the city, this family did what God called them to do. Start a church and Bible school! They started Emmanuel Church in the east wing of the Tobin Center for the Arts. Later they started International Bible College. John Bell, Ruth's husband, eventually became the new pastor and changed the name of the church to Revival Temple. They served for over 40 years as lead pastor and also went on two missionary tours to Japan to plant more churches. Dave Bell, their son, succeeded them as pastor and renamed the church Destiny. Dave and his wife, Jodi, as well as their five blessed boys have made several short term mission trips to Japan to continue the ministry. Dave also produced a heart-felt Japanese worship album (free download).
Archie and Verna Alderson, along with their three awesome children, continued the work of the Coote's and Bell's in Japan for the next 40 years. They too started more churches for the glory of God!
Because of the vision that the Lord has given Pastor Ted and Anna Thevaos for planting LifeShare Church and other churches in the future, we feel compelled to support this Japan Mission into the future. There are now numerous churches in Japan that we are connected to through the Alderson and Bell families. Archie and Verna are some of our pastoral friends and we are excited to partner with them!
Stay tuned for upcoming ways to partner: prayer, giving and short-term mission trips!