To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice Stewardship Series, Anna ThevaosAnna ThevaosSeptember 24, 2023Anna ThevaosComment
The Surrendered Life Stewardship Series, Anna ThevaosAnna ThevaosSeptember 17, 2023Anna ThevaosComment
Stewardship: Giving God Every Part Of You Stewardship Series, Ted ThevaosTed ThevaosSeptember 10, 2023Ted ThevaosComment
Building A Bridge Of Love Built On Jesus Series, Ted ThevaosTed ThevaosSeptember 3, 2023Ted ThevaosComment
The Heart of a Shepherd Built On Jesus Series, Ted ThevaosTed ThevaosAugust 27, 2023Ted ThevaosComment
The Way To Forgiveness Anna Thevaos, Built On Jesus SeriesAnna ThevaosAugust 6, 2023Anna Thevaos Comment
We're Going Home Built On Jesus SeriesTed ThevaosJuly 16, 2023Mona Mitchell, MarketPlace MinistryComment
Invest In Your Imagination Ted Thevaos, Built On Jesus SeriesTed ThevaosJune 25, 2023ted thevaosComment
Preparing The Way | Father's Day Outpouring Series, Ted ThevaosTed ThevaosJune 18, 2023Ted Thevaos, Father's DayComment
Mothers - Adorn the Gospel Anna Thevaos, Outpouring SeriesAnna ThevaosMay 14, 2023Anna Thevaos, Mother's DayComment