Mike Herron Leadership Gathering ⁃ Saturday, May 4, 9am-12noon ⁃ Topic: How leadership gifting is imparted from leader to leader in the Kingdom.
Mike Herron lives in Houston Texas, with his wife Marsha, and flows as a Prophet and Evangelist to America and the Nations. He’s been a friend of Ted and Anna Thevaos for over 30 years. He’s prophesied and provided life-giving leadership support to the Thevaos family for many years. Now we are expecting that same prophetic flow and leadership equipping to be extended to all of our leaders at LifeShare as Mike comes and ministers.
This gathering is open to everyone at LifeShare Church, as well as, guests who don’t regularly attend. Pastor Ted would like to see our Worship Team and Prophetic Team members participate as a priority. ⁃ Breakfast Tacos, Juice, and Coffee will be provided. ⁃ Please register online so we can have breakfast prepared for you.
Sunday Worship Experience with Mike Herron ⁃ Sunday, May 5, 10am. ⁃ Worship, Prophetic Flow, Prayers for healing and leadership impartation, and a Powerful message from Mike Herron.